Economy Plumbing Service, LLC

Mar 20, 2024

An efficient plumbing system is critical to your home’s water supply stability. Functional pipes will prevent plumbing issues that affect your quality of life or cost you significant money for repairs. Constant plumbing issues may indicate that it’s time for repiping, but determining whether your pipes need to be replaced can be tough. The good news is that you can eliminate all the guesswork of self-diagnosing your plumbing system when you find a professional plumbing service in Tucson, AZ.

Repiping Your Home in Tucson, AZ: When and Why It’s Necessary

Older pipes in older homes that have never been replaced are often more susceptible to clogs, cracking, and leaks. Additionally, problematic pipes that are older, not functioning, damaged, or corroded often prevent good water flow and cause constant issues that could affect your entire plumbing system.

plumbing repiping tucson az

There are several different signs that can indicate your pipes are damaged and beyond repair and need to be replaced with newer, more efficient options. If you notice any of these signs, the first step is to contact a plumbing professional to evaluate the pipes and determine whether repair or total replacement is necessary.

Regular Leaks

Old pipes that continue to sustain constant wear over time eventually weaken to the point that leaks occur, which leads to additional damage, including water discoloration, water damage, floor buckling, and more.

A leak in an isolated area may not mean your entire pipe system needs to be replaced, but multiple leaks and water damage in several areas of your home may indicate that your entire home needs to be repiped to stop the constant leaking and prevent further damage.

Changes in the Condition of Your Water

Changes in the quality and condition of your water may also indicate that your pipes need to be replaced. The water flowing from your pipes can reveal the pipes’ condition, so if you notice rust-colored water, it may be a sign that your pipes are corroding, which indicates that new pipes will be necessary. Additionally, changes in the taste and smell of the water indicate changes in the quality and condition of the pipes.

New pipes will ensure efficient water flow and protect your health. Changes in water pressure also indicate the condition of the pipes; a significant decrease in pressure often indicates that your system may need new pipes.

Strange Noises and Water Temperature Inconsistencies

As a general rule of thumb, a plumbing system shouldn’t make strange or loud noises, aside from older homes whose pipes may naturally be louder due to age. Any sudden change in the sounds coming from your pipes while in use may indicate that an update is necessary. Changes in your water temperature may also indicate an issue with the pipes that only a complete replacement will remedy.

Whether you’ve noticed subtle signs that your pipes aren’t functioning as they should or once did, you’re having continuous issues affecting your entire plumbing system, or you just don’t know how old your pipes are, we’ll diagnose the primary issue and determine whether your system needs a complete pipe replacement to prevent issues, preserve your water quality, and save you money long-term. Contact us today at Economy Plumbing Service LLC, in Tucson, AZ to schedule a service appointment.