Economy Plumbing Service, LLC

Drano is a household cleaning product that has been used for decades to unclog drains and pipes. It is known for its ability to dissolve hair, soap scum, grease, and other materials that can accumulate in pipes, causing blockages. While Drano can be effective at removing clogs, it is also a harsh chemical that can damage pipes over time if not used properly.

So, how does Drano work?

Drano is a combination of chemicals that work together to dissolve clogs. The main active ingredient in Drano is sodium hydroxide, also known as lye. This chemical is a strong base that can break down many materials, including hair, grease, and food particles.

When Drano is poured down a clogged drain, it reacts with the water in the pipe to create heat and release gas. This reaction helps to loosen and dissolve the clog, allowing it to be flushed away. In addition to sodium hydroxide, Drano also contains aluminum chips, which react with the sodium hydroxide to generate even more heat.

Drano also contains other chemicals that help to thicken the solution and keep it in contact with the clog for longer periods of time. These ingredients include surfactants, which help to break down grease and soap scum, and sodium nitrate, which helps to maintain the pH level of the solution.

While Drano can be effective at removing clogs, it is important to use it properly and to understand the potential risks associated with its use. One of the main risks is damage to pipes.

How does Drano damage pipes?

Drano is a harsh chemical that can damage pipes over time if not used properly. When Drano comes into contact with a clog, it creates a chemical reaction that generates heat and gas. This reaction can create a lot of pressure inside the pipe, which can cause the pipe to crack or burst.

In addition to the pressure created by the chemical reaction, Drano can also damage pipes by corroding them. Sodium hydroxide, the main active ingredient in Drano, is a strong base that can break down many materials, including metal. When Drano is poured down a drain, it can come into contact with the metal pipes, causing them to corrode and weaken over time.

Drano can also damage pipes by getting stuck inside them. Drano is a thick, viscous liquid that can cling to the walls of pipes, especially if it is not completely flushed away. Over time, this residue can build up and create a blockage, leading to more clogs and potential damage to the pipes.

Finally, Drano can also damage pipes by interacting with other chemicals that may be present in the drain. For example, if bleach has been poured down the drain before using Drano, the two chemicals can react to create toxic fumes. This reaction can be dangerous and can cause damage to the pipes as well.

How to Use Drano Safely

To use Drano safely and avoid damaging your pipes, it is important to follow the instructions carefully. Here are some other tips for using Drano safely:

Only use Drano as a last resort.

Try using a plunger or a drain snake first to see if you can remove the clog without using chemicals.

Use the right amount of Drano.

Follow the instructions on the label carefully and don’t use more than recommended. Using too much Drano can increase the risk of pipe damage.

Never mix Drano with other chemicals.

Mixing Drano with other chemicals, such as bleach or ammonia, can create toxic fumes and increase the risk of pipe damage.

Use Drano in well-ventilated areas.
When using Drano, make sure to open windows or use a fan to ventilate the area. This can help to reduce the accumulation of fumes.

If you have a clog in your pipe and you suspect you’re going to need something serious to clear it – don’t reach for the Drano, reach for a phone instead and give Economy Plumbing Service a call! We’ll get you sorted in no time, without damaging your pipes!

Cleaning out drains is a crucial part of maintaining your home’s plumbing system. Over time, hair, soap residue, and other debris can accumulate in your drains, causing them to become slow or even completely clogged. Fortunately, there are several methods that you can use to clean out your drains and keep them in good working order.

One of the most common areas where clogs occur is in the trap, which is the curved section of pipe located underneath your sink or bathtub. If you notice that water is not draining from your sink or tub, the first step is to locate the trap and check for any clogs. To do this, you’ll need to remove the nut that holds the trap in place and then carefully remove any debris that you find inside. This can be a messy and unpleasant task, so be sure to wear gloves and have a bucket or other container handy to catch any water or debris that comes out of the trap.

If the clog is located further down the drain, you can try using a plunger to help dislodge it. To do this, you’ll need to fill the sink or tub with enough water to cover the bottom of the plunger, place the plunger over the drain, and then rapidly push and pull it to create suction. This should help to loosen the clog and allow it to move down the drain. If the clog is particularly stubborn, you may need to repeat this process several times or try another method.

Another method that you can use to clean out your drains is to use a drain snake. A drain snake is a long, flexible tool that you can insert into the drain to help loosen and remove any clogs. To use a drain snake, you’ll need to insert it into the drain and then turn it clockwise while pushing it forward. This should help to break up the clog and allow it to move down the drain. Be sure to wear gloves and protective eyewear when using a drain snake, as it can be messy and debris may come flying out of the drain.

If none of the above methods work, you can try using a chemical drain cleaner to dissolve the clog. However, it’s important to be cautious when using these products, as they can be harmful to your health and to your pipes. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully and to use protective gear, such as gloves and goggles. You should also be aware that some drain cleaners can damage certain types of pipes, so it’s a good idea to check with a professional plumber before using any chemical products on your drains.

In addition to these methods, there are several preventative measures that you can take to help keep your drains clean and clear. For example, you can install drain covers to catch hair and other debris before it goes down the drain. You can also be mindful of what you put down your drains, avoiding pouring grease, oil, or large food particles down the sink, and using a mesh strainer in your shower or bathtub to catch hair and soap residue.

By following these tips and being proactive about cleaning your drains, you can help ensure that your plumbing system stays in good working order and that you avoid costly repairs in the future. If you’re not comfortable cleaning your drains yourself or if you’re experiencing persistent clogs, it’s always a good idea to call a professional plumber. We can help diagnose the problem and recommend the best course of action to get your drains flowing smoothly again!

Remember if water runs to it or through it, here at Economy Plumbing Service we do it!

Water is an essential resource that is becoming increasingly scarce in many parts of the world. Reducing water usage in your home not only helps to conserve this valuable resource but can also save you money on your water bill. In this blog, we will discuss some practical ways to reduce water usage in your home.

10 Ways to Conserve Water

Fix Leaks

The first step in reducing water usage in your home is to fix any leaks. A leaky faucet or toilet can waste a surprising amount of water over time. A dripping faucet can waste up to 5 gallons of water per day, while a running toilet can waste up to 200 gallons of water per day. Check all of your faucets and toilets for leaks and fix them promptly.

Install Low-Flow Fixtures

Low-flow fixtures are designed to reduce water usage without sacrificing performance. Installing low-flow faucets, showerheads, and toilets can reduce water usage by up to 50%. Low-flow fixtures use less water per minute, which not only saves water but also reduces the energy required to heat the water.

Take Shorter Showers

The average shower uses 2.5 gallons of water per minute. Cutting your shower time by just 1-2 minutes can save a significant amount of water over time. Try using a shower timer to help you keep track of your time in the shower. You can also install a low-flow showerhead to reduce water usage even further.

Turn Off the Water When Brushing Your Teeth

Leaving the water running while brushing your teeth wastes a significant amount of water. Turning off the water while brushing your teeth can save up to 8 gallons of water per day. You can also fill a cup with water to rinse your mouth and toothbrush instead of using running water.

Only Run Full Loads

Whether you are using a dishwasher or a washing machine, only run full loads. Running half-full loads wastes water and energy. You can also adjust the water level settings on your washing machine to match the size of your load. This will help to reduce water usage and save energy.

Use a Bucket to Catch Water

When washing fruits and vegetables or waiting for your shower water to warm up, use a bucket to catch the water. You can use this water for watering plants or cleaning. This helps to reduce water waste and makes better use of a valuable resource.

Water Your Lawn and Garden Wisely

Watering your lawn and garden is necessary but can also use a lot of water. Try to water your lawn and garden during the cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or late afternoon. This will help to reduce evaporation and ensure that the water is absorbed by the plants. You can also use a drip irrigation system or a soaker hose to water your plants. This delivers water directly to the plant’s roots and reduces evaporation.

Use a Pool Cover

If you have a pool, consider using a pool cover. A pool cover not only helps to keep your pool clean but also reduces evaporation. This can save a significant amount of water over time, especially during the hot summer months.

Use a Car Wash

Washing your car at home can use up to 150 gallons of water. Consider using a car wash that recycles water. This not only saves water but also helps to prevent soapy water and other pollutants from entering the storm drain system.

Educate Your Family

Finally, one of the most effective ways to reduce water usage in your home is to educate your family. Talk to them about the importance of conserving water and encourage them to take small steps to reduce water usage. Set a good example by following these tips yourself and making water conservation a priority in your home.

Conserving water is crucially important here in Tucson. We all know it, and for the most part, practice it. But if you have a leaky pipe or need low-flow fixtures installed, we can help! Call Economy Plumbing Service. Our family-owned and operated business has over 27 years of experience helping Tucson residents with all their plumbing needs.

Remember – If Water Goes Through It Or To It, We Do It!

This time on the EPS blog, we’re going to do something a liiiittle bit different. You see we talk all the time about how to fix fixtures, how we can repipe a home in under a weekend, that sort of stuff. But like so many things, when it comes to plumbing an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! Taking proper care of your bathroom fixtures, including keeping them clean, can extend the life and ensure the continued function of your fixtures. So, without further preamble – how to clean chrome bathroom fixtures!

Chrome bathroom fixtures are a popular choice for homeowners due to their sleek and shiny appearance. However, over time, chrome fixtures can accumulate grime, water spots, and mineral buildup, making them look dull and dirty. Fortunately, with the right tools and techniques, it is easy to clean chrome bathroom fixtures and restore their shine.

7 Steps to Clean Chrome Bathroom Fixtures

Step 1: Gather Your Cleaning Supplies

To clean chrome bathroom fixtures, you will need a few basic cleaning supplies. These include a soft cloth or sponge, white vinegar, baking soda, and a bowl of warm water. You may also want to use rubber gloves to protect your hands from any cleaning solutions or chemicals.

Step 2: Wipe Down the Fixtures

Start by wiping down the fixtures with a soft cloth or sponge to remove any surface dirt or dust. This will help to ensure that you do not spread any dirt or grime around as you begin cleaning. If the fixtures are particularly dirty, you may want to rinse them with warm water to remove any loose debris.

Step 3: Soak the Fixtures

Next, fill a bowl with warm water and add a few drops of mild dish soap. Soak a soft cloth or sponge in the soapy water and use it to wipe down the fixtures. This will help to remove any grime or buildup that has accumulated on the surface of the chrome. Be sure to use a soft cloth or sponge to avoid scratching the chrome.

Step 4: Scrub with Baking Soda

If the fixtures are still dirty after soaking, it is time to bring out the baking soda. Baking soda is a natural, non-abrasive cleaning agent that is gentle enough to use on chrome fixtures. Sprinkle a small amount of baking soda onto a soft cloth or sponge and gently scrub the fixtures. Use circular motions to remove any stubborn stains or buildup.

Step 5: Rinse and Dry

Once you have scrubbed the fixtures with baking soda, rinse them thoroughly with warm water. Be sure to remove all of the baking soda residue to prevent it from leaving a film on the chrome. Finally, dry the fixtures with a soft cloth or towel to prevent water spots and restore their shine.

Step 6: Remove Mineral Buildup with Vinegar

You don’t need harsh chemicals to help clear up your fixtures. Sometimes just a bit of vinegar can do the trick! If the fixtures have mineral buildup or water stains that cannot be removed with baking soda, it is time to break out the vinegar. The acidity of vinegar can dissolve mineral buildup and remove stains. Soak a soft cloth or sponge in white vinegar and use it to wipe down the fixtures. Be sure to rinse the fixtures thoroughly with warm water after using vinegar to remove any residue.

Step 7: Prevent Future Buildup

To prevent future buildup on your chrome bathroom fixtures, it is important to keep them clean on a regular basis. Wipe down the fixtures after each use with a soft cloth or sponge to remove any water spots or soap scum. You can also use a squeegee to remove excess water from the fixtures after each use. This will help to prevent water spots and mineral buildup from forming.

Cleaning chrome bathroom fixtures is a relatively easy task that can be completed with a few basic cleaning supplies. By following the steps outlined in this blog, you can effectively remove grime, stains, and mineral buildup from your chrome fixtures and restore their shine and performance! Remember to use gentle pressure when scrubbing the fixtures and avoid using abrasive cleaners or scrubbers that can scratch the surface. With regular cleaning and maintenance, your chrome bathroom fixtures will remain shiny and clean for years to come.

Are your fixtures beyond the point of saving? Rusted out or busted? Whatever the trouble, call Economy Plumbing Service. Our family-owned and operated business has over 27 years of experience helping Tucson residents with all their plumbing needs.

Remember – If Water Goes Through It Or To It, We Do It!

Few things are as much of a jolt as smelling strange water coming from your tap. It can be alarming and leave you wondering what the cause is. Believe it or not, there are many potential reasons why your water may have an unpleasant odor, and some of these causes can also affect the taste of your water. Here are six common reasons why your water may smell.

6 Reasons Why Your Water May Smell


Chlorine is a common disinfectant used in many water treatment plants to kill bacteria and other microorganisms in the water. While chlorine is effective at disinfecting the water, it can also leave a strong odor and taste that some people find unpleasant.

If the odor is due to chlorine, there are several options available to remove it. You can install a carbon filter or a reverse osmosis system to remove the chlorine from your water. These systems can also help to remove other contaminants from your water supply.


Sulfur is a natural element that can be found in groundwater. When sulfur reacts with certain bacteria or other organic matter, it can create hydrogen sulfide gas, which has a distinctive “rotten egg” smell. If your water smells like sulfur, it’s likely that there is too much hydrogen sulfide gas in your water supply.

If your water smells like sulfur, there are several options available to reduce the odor. You can install a water softener or aeration system to reduce the amount of hydrogen sulfide gas in your water. 


Iron can also be found naturally in groundwater, and in some cases, it can cause your water to have a metallic or rust-like smell. If your water smells like iron, it’s possible that your pipes are corroded and need to be replaced.


Sometimes, bacteria can grow in your water supply and cause a foul odor. This is more common in well water than in city water supplies. The bacteria can create a musty or earthy smell that can be unpleasant. If your water heater isn’t working correctly, bacteria can also take hold in there.


If your water smells like sewage, it’s possible that there is a problem with your sewage system. This could be due to a clog in your pipes or a problem with your septic system. If you suspect that your water smells like sewage, it’s important to have it tested right away to ensure that it’s safe to drink. Nobody wants to be drinking that.


While this might be harder to diagnose, sometimes, your water can pick up chemicals from nearby industrial or agricultural operations. This can cause your water to have a chemical smell, which can vary. If this is the case it can be exceptionally dangerous as there’s no telling what the chemicals are and their effect on people.

If you notice a strange smell coming from your water, it’s important to get it tested to determine the cause. A water test can identify the presence of bacteria, chemicals, and other contaminants in your water supply. Once you know what’s causing the odor, you can take steps to fix the problem. If your water smells like sewage or chemicals, it’s important to have it tested right away. These odors can indicate the presence of dangerous contaminants in your water supply that can make you sick. A water test can help to identify the problem so that you can take steps to fix it.

There are several potential reasons why your water may have a strange smell, and it’s important to determine the cause so that you can take steps to fix the problem. If you notice an unpleasant odor coming from your water, it’s important to have it tested right away to ensure that it’s safe to drink.

Not sure how to get it tested? Is your water heater causing the issue? Whatever the trouble, call Economy Plumbing Service. Our family-owned and operated business has over 27 years of experience helping Tucson residents with all their plumbing needs.

Remember – If Water Goes Through It Or To It, We Do It!

Plumbing fixtures play an essential role in the overall plumbing system of a home, providing water to different parts of the house, from showerheads to faucets. Economy Plumbing Services will discuss everything you need to know about plumbing fixtures and their importance in keeping your home safe and functional.

A Guide to Plumbing Fixtures

Plumbing fixtures are essential components of any house’s plumbing system. They enable us to access water, drainage, and other necessary utilities in our homes and businesses. Knowing how to install and maintain plumbing fixtures is integral to being a homeowner or business owner.

First – How To Handle A Significant Plumbing Leak

Before we get into all the specific fixtures, a note on handling leaks! Even though it is less likely to happen, major plumbing leaks require fast and effective actions to minimize the substantial damage they may cause. Therefore, every homeowner must know where the main valve is and how to use it. 

You should locate the main valve before the emergency so you can stop the water from there whenever needed. The main water supply pipe is generally on a basement or the wall closest to the outside road. You should rotate the first valve, which is the main valve, clockwise to stop the water flow.  

Bathroom Plumbing

Bathrooms usually have the first call regarding plumbing problems in houses. Because there is a high concentration of plumbing in bathrooms, as toilets, sinks, showers, and bathtubs are used very often, issues are expected to arise from time to time. To understand the cause of the problems in bathroom plumbing, you should understand how this plumbing fixture works in the first place. 


Whenever the toilet flush handle is used, the flush valve at the bottom of the water tank gets opened, flushing the toilet, and taking the waste to a large drain pipe. After the water level drops, the fill valve opens to level the water for the next flush. After flushing, the water that remains in the toilet prevents sewer gasses from entering the home.

Problem: The toilet’s flush is clogged or very slow.

Solution: If you cannot clear the blockage with a plunger, it may be caused by a buildup inside the toilet. You may need to use the help of a professional plumber who will use a snake to clear the clog. 

Sinks and Faucets

A defective cartridge or washer, blocked or leaking drain, or broken drain stopper are the most likely troubles in the bathroom sink and faucet. Bathroom sinks and faucets work differently than the other parts of the house. Therefore, they may need a unique approach to solve the problems. 

Problem: The faucet in the bathroom drips. 

Solution: You need to replace the cartridge or the washer to stop the faucet from dripping. You can actually do this easily if the faucet is not too old, as it can break and cause a bigger problem. If this is the case, you need to call a plumber


This part of the bathroom includes hot and cold running water by a faucet behind the shower wall. The valve of this faucet, the drain of the shower, and the enclosure carry the potential for plumbing problems. 

Problem: The shower enclosure is leaking.

Solution: This is one of the most common problems in bathroom plumbing. Leaks can occur where the enclosure meets the floor or through tile grout. You may try caulking to stop the leaks, but it is best if the shower enclosure is rebuilt.

Kitchen Plumbing

The kitchens where we cook, eat and clean up are the most frequently used part of our houses. Therefore, kitchens have a lot to do with plumbing fixtures, as you have faucets, drains, and dishwashers. 

Sinks and faucets

Kitchen sinks and faucets may cause problems, such as dripping or leaks between the water pipes and the faucets. Also, you may encounter a drain blockage or a broken hot water dispenser. 

Problem: The water heater is malfunctioning. 

Solution: The repair of water heaters, used for steaming water for cooking food or making drinks, involves electrical operations as well as plumbing works. Therefore, it is best handled by a professional. 

Economy Plumbing Service, our family-owned and operated business, has over 27 years of experience and provides replacement and installation on the same day! Contact us for further details. 

It is life-saving to know what to do in the event of a plumbing emergency in order to minimize damage and ensure the safety of your property and family. In this article, Economy Plumbing Service will provide advice on what steps should be taken when dealing with a plumbing emergency, including how to identify the problem, how to shut off the water supply, and how to contact a professional plumber for help. Being able to handle a plumbing emergency can help you save time, money, and stress.

What to Do in a Plumbing Emergency

Shut Off The Water Supply

When you encounter a leak in one of your faucets or water pipes, the first step you should take is to shut off the main valve to prevent anything from getting worse. The second step, you need to locate the leak. Is it coming from the toilet or the kitchen sink? When you find it, you should get to the connected shutoff valves and rotate them to the right (typically). When they do not move anymore, do not force them, as they can break and leave you in an even worse spot.

Check the Water Heater

The water heater is an appliance you want to consider in an emergency as left untouched, it may get or cause further damage. You should do it after shutting down the main water valve because otherwise, it carries the risk of bursting the overheated water. If it is a gas water heater, you must shut down the gas first.

Check Electrical Appliances

If a room is flooded with water caused by a leak, one of the most critical things to do is check if there is any electrical appliance near the water. If there is, you must not get near the water either, as it carries a significant risk of electrical shock. In that case, you should turn off the main circuit to prevent any accidents. You should be careful keeping everyone, especially children and pets, away from the water. 

Handle Minimal Leaks

Every homeowner should have basic plumber tools such as plumber’s tape in their toolbox to tackle small leaks. If you see a small leak and you do not have plumber’s tape in the house, you can stop it as soon as possible by using towels and rags to tuck around the pipes or buckets to put under the leaking area. Still, call your plumber right away if you need professional help afterward, and list these leaking spots to the professional so they can get right to work. 

Call a Professional

After shutting off the main valve, checking the water heater, and handling small leaks, you need to call a professional plumber for emergency services. You should listen to the instructions carefully and follow them until they arrive at your house. To stay calm and leave it to the expert, it is best to have a professional plumber’s number on your contact list beforehand. 

Dry Up Excess Water

If you find the leak too late, you will need to soak up the water to walk around the room. In this case, you must make sure that getting near the water is not risky (like we mentioned, look for any electrical appliances nearby), and then you can start drying up the excess water while waiting for the plumber to arrive. Use towels and rags to dry and limit the water on the floor. You can also use fans to speed up the dry-up and avert mold growth resulting from the excess moisture.

Contact Economy Plumbing Service

Economy Plumbing Service, our family-owned and operated business, has over 27 years of experience and provides replacement and installation on the same day! We offer plumbing installation, plumbing repair, leak detection, repiping, and much more services. You can contact us anytime for your plumbing emergencies!

Winterizing your pipes is one of the essential pieces of work when you decide to prepare your house for the winter. Winter season requires lots of preparations to get through it quickly and without unexpected expenses. So we at Economy Plumbing Services have compiled the steps and helpful tips for winterizing your pipes.

Winterizing Your Pipes

Wintry colds can push the limits of your water system. It can result in breaks and leaks in the pipes as the water expands when its temperature decreases, especially when it reaches less than thirty degrees. Therefore, when you neglect to winterize your pipes, your water system will be at significant risk, possibly leading to costly efforts. 

When your water pipes are frozen, you cannot use them until they melt. Worse still, this freezing can cause flooding in your home as the icy water will create pressure, which should not be underestimated. Therefore, you must take precautions, as the damage will be significant. Let’s look at the steps and tips to follow while winterizing your pipes.

  1. Make a plan.

Winterizing your pipes requires many steps, so it is easy to skip one of them. Making a plan and preparing a checklist before starting the process will help you organize your necessary tools and work more comfortably. Pay attention to cross out completed steps and the parts of the house as you proceed.

  1. Insulate all the pipes.

The first step in winterizing your pipes is to insulate them because it is essential to prevent any damage caused by frozen water. You can use protective foam for insulating the pipes. It is a simple process you can do easily in a short period of time. As it is not an expensive piece of work either, there is no reason to put off the job. You can find more details on how to insulate your pipes here.

Disconnect All the Pipes.

As the second step, you should stop all the operation of your water pipes from the main valve. Afterward, you should turn off the pump and the water heater. You should also disconnect the exterior hoses, pipes, or sprinkler system. These are necessary because you are supposed to prevent water pressure from floating inside your house. You can get professional help with water heaters at Economy Plumbing Services.

Clean Your Waterspouts.

You can check whether leaves or accumulations are on the gutters and clean them to make your job easier. You should be sure that your gutters are clean, as you will need to let the water drain through them. If the waterspouts are not clean and ready to drain the water, it is highly likely to result in leaks inside the house or ice sticks which will pose another risk around your house. .

Open the Taps

As the next step, you can open the drains and taps by keeping track of which one you open so that you can be sure not to miss one. If you forget one of them, it could lead to a vacuum which prevents the water from getting out of the pipes. Remember that all drains and taps should be open during winter to keep them healthy.

Let Out Excess Air and Water

Now, you should take the excess air out of the pipes and empty the holding tank. You can use an air compressor or vacuum to do it. The water left in the pipes will pose a risk of pressuring them while you do not use them. Therefore, you should let water and air get out of the pipes after disconnecting them by shutting off the main valve. If you want to take extra precautions, you can use antifreeze for the jet pump case. 

Flush the Toilets

This step is necessary because you should be sure that all the tanks and toilet bowls are empty. If you still have water in the tank or the toilet bowls, you can prefer using antifreeze to prevent any freezing, which can be resulted in cracks and leaks, as mentioned above. 

Last Words on Winterizing Your Pipes

Winterizing your pipes before the colder weather arrives is best. However, it involves some steps that can be challenging and require expertise in the field; therefore, you should consider getting professional help to ensure everything is done. As Economy Plumbing Services, we offer many services, from plumbing installation to repiping, and we are here for any questions.

hand under faucet with low pressure water stream

Bad water pressure can affect your life more than you anticipate. It is essential for washing machines, dishwashers, and all the faucets in a house to work fast and effectively. If the water pressure is not where it is supposed to be, having a shower may become a frustrating challenge as you will not be able to rinse your body for a long time. Therefore, detecting what is causing bad water pressure and fixing it is a must. 

What’s Causing Bad Water Pressure?

Since water pressure is vital for using your machines, flushing toilets, taking a shower, and bad water pressure is a real problem that needs fixing immediately. Some homeowners may not be aware of whether the problem involves just one fixture or the entire system. Therefore, understanding the root of the problem and taking action accordingly will make your life better. Let’s look at some of the main causes of bad water pressure. 

Water Pressure Regulator

water pressure regulator is a tool that manages the home’s water pressure, making sure that it is at a safe and comfortable level. However, broken water pressure regulators can cause the water pressure to go too high or too low, both of which are bad news. The first thing to check for here is if there is sediment in the water pressure regulator because if there is, it may result in blockage and lousy water pressure eventually if it hasn’t already. 


Blocked or busted faucets also can cause bad water pressure! If you realize that bad water pressure is not an issue everywhere in the house and is in one specific fixture, you should check that particular faucet for clogs, corrosions, or broken seals that may be blocking the flow of water. 

However, you should also check the connections of the faucet if the faucet is not the problem itself. Luckily, these are easy problems to solve by replacing the faucets or buying new fixtures. 

Stoppered Pipes

If you are experiencing water pressure problems not only in a specific faucet, the root of the problem can go back to stoppered pipes, which is one of the most common causes of bad water pressure. This may require more extensive plumbing restorements. If clogged pipes are the reason why you have bad water pressure, you may not realize it quickly as it happens gradually. You can receive a professional opinion to see if your water pressure needs restoration. 

The Main Valve

The main valve controls the water flow to your entire home; therefore, if is not open completely, it can negatively affect your water pressure. You should check the main valve to see if it is partially open. If that is the problem, you can reopen it to improve your water pressure. You may need different techniques to open the main valve, and potentially you may not have access to it (if you’re in an apartment for example) in which case you’ll want to bring your water pressure complaint to management.

Leaky Pipes

If you have leaks in your pipes, bad water pressure is one of the inevitable problems you may experience in your house. Leaks in the pipes will prevent the water from reaching its destination by changing its direction to another faucet in the house or outside the house. If you think there are leaks in the pipes and this is why you are experiencing bad water pressure, you can click here.

Corroded Pipes

The pipes of your house needs regular care according to its material. As the pipes can expire after some time, they have begin to corrode at some point. Therefore, homeowners should check their pipes while they are moving in to see if there is any need for restoration so that they will not experience headaches resulting from corroded pipes. The older your house gets, the more likely you will encounter corroded pipes. If your house needs repiping services, you can call Economy Plumbing Services.

Contact Economy Plumbing Services 

As bad water pressure may have resulted from various causes all coming together at the same time, your best bet for a total solution is to get in touch with Economy Plumbing Services for professional help. We offer many services that you need to solve your bad water pressure problem, from plumbing installation and repair to repiping.

Every appliance in your home eventually requires a replacement. Unfortunately, keeping appliances in working condition for your lifespan is nearly impossible. On the flip side, there are some signs you can monitor to determine whether or not you need a garbage disposal replacement based on your garbage disposal behavior.

Please continue reading to learn everything you need about when to get a garbage disposal replacement. In addition, we will discuss all the signs to look out for and when you should call a professional for your replacement.

Your Garbage Disposal Takes Longer Than Normal

If you notice that your garbage disposal takes significantly longer to grind up your food than before, you should consider getting a replacement. Your garbage disposal may take longer than it used to because your blades are dull, so it is having trouble grinding up the material in your sink. 

Unfortunately, it’s not easy to sharpen the blades of your garbage disposal, and you’ll need a replacement in this situation. Be mindful of the materials you put in your garbage disposal to keep your blades as sharp as possible for as long as possible. For example, if you constantly put material that is difficult for your garbage disposal to handle, your blades may become dull quicker than necessary.

Your garbage disposal should take less than five seconds to eliminate most waste you put down the drain. However, if you notice your garbage disposal takes several minutes to destroy the material in your sink, it’s time to purchase a new appliance.

Your Garbage Disposal Makes Disturbing Sounds

Another strong indicator that you’re due for garbage disposal replacement is that your garbage disposal makes loud sounds when you use it. It’s normal for garbage disposals to be loud while destroying food, but if you hear clunking or odd grinding sounds in your appliance, this could be cause for concern. 

Sometimes, your disposal makes these sounds because other materials accidentally fell down your sink drain. For example, if you drop nails or large chunks of glass and your drain, your garbage disposal can’t get rid of this substance. A plumber can help you determine whether or not you need a garbage disposal replacement or if you have the wrong material trapped in your blades.

Accidentally dropping something down your sink drain is more common than expected. This is especially the case if you break a dish while you clean the dishes. Sometimes you can get rid of unwanted debris on your own, but a plumber can assist you if you can’t find the culprit.

You Reset Your Device Often

You should purchase a new device if you frequently need to reset your garbage disposal. For example, if you’re resetting your garbage disposal once a week, this is more often than most people reset this appliance. You should only need to reset your garbage disposal once a month; even then, it could be a sign that it is at the end of its life span.

The last thing you want to worry about is your garbage disposal going out when you can’t afford a new one. So, if you have to reset your appliance often, you should purchase a new one before this one breaks. 

Water Keeps Backing Up In Your Sink

If you start noticing issues with your sink plumbing, there could be something wrong with your garbage disposal. If your garbage disposal doesn’t perform correctly, it’s common for materials to get stuck in your drains and cause leaks or backups. This occurs if you notice a leak in the pipes where your garbage disposal is but nowhere else in your home.

Final Thoughts

Contact us at (520) 214-2149 if you think you need a garbage disposal replacement. Our team can walk you through the steps it takes to replace your garbage disposal and help you identify whether or not it’s time for a new device. If you believe you need a new garbage disposal, we can come out and accurately replace your current disposal with a new appliance.

Neglecting to replace your garbage disposal when necessary could cause many plumbing issues. You should avoid these issues by replacing any devices in your plumbing as soon as you notice problems.